

Small personal projects to make life easier 😃

  • WhatsApp Link Generator (Go to page, Code)

    • Generate cross platform WhatsApp links or open number/message directly in WhatsApp Web
  • Convert Image to Text (Go to page, Code)

    • Accept direct image pasting, drag & drop and file uploads. Images are processed in the browser and are not sent to an external server (privacy guaranteed!)
  • Tailwind Compiler (Go to page)

    • Tool to compile HTML snippets with Tailwind.CSS classes into a minified CSS.
  • QR Reader (Go to page, Code)

    • Accept direct image pasting, drag & drop and file uploads. Images are processed in the browser and are not sent to an external server (privacy guaranteed!)
  • RapidPlan - MyRapid trip planner (Go to page, Code)

    • Check trip duration and cost of LRT, MRT and BRT trips in the Klang Valley.
  • Hide Discord Sidebar (Chrome Extension, Firefox Extension, Code)

    • Chrome and Firefox extension to hide Discord servers and channels
  • Map (Go to page, Code)

    • Currently only have normal and elevation type tiles to assess if an area is flood prone
  • Image Transform (Go to page, Code)

    • Rotate and flip images in browser for quick previews
  • COVID dashboard (Go to page)

    • new cases and vaccinations by state